Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This is YOUR life, enjoy it!

I've always tried to think of myself as someone who doesn't let what other people think affect me. However, if I'm being honest with myself I do find myself stopping to think of what others may think. I think we all do it, whether consciously or not. But why? I mean really, why do I care if someone doesn't like what I'm doing?! If I am not hurting anyone and I am truly happy why should I care? I have acknowledged the fact that I am a people pleaser, I want everyone that matters to me to be happy. Not only happy with themselves, but happy with me. My new years resolution this year, among many others, was to stop holding myself back from doing what makes me happy because I am afraid I'll upset, disappoint, or let down someone else. Often times, the things we spend our time stressing about when it comes to what others will think are completely unnoticed by the person we think will care. Leaving us unhappy for absolutely no reason. So know when I find myself saying "Oh I want to" or "I like this" but not doing it for fear of the unknown I just...DO IT! We only get one life, one journey, one chance to do whatever is you feel you were born to do on this earth. So who cares what other people expect you to do, do you! They have their own lives to make themselves happy! So whatever it is that you worry about, whether its how you dress, wear you hair, what you go to school for, what job you want, who you date, if you date, or whatever it is do what makes you truly happy. This isn't me saying to do things that are self-destructive (although you would know because then you wouldn't TRULY be happy), this is me saying it's okay to be a little selfish when it comes to your happiness! In the end the people that truly love you will be happy because you're happy!


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