Monday, June 29, 2009


Sooo BJKeys, Jo, and I were invited out by our cousins to Dj D'nice' bday party at club Taj. Had a great time, had my first "diddy" and B got her pic with LL that she was overly excited about. We ended the night with big mac sauce and a lost phone. Fun times.


So I was dragged by Jo to a Mika show....I thought it was some sort of animal exhibit...nope, its a "singer" - I use that term loosely. Anyway it was an excuse to get out the house for a night on the town...with a bunch of very....interesting Mika fans. The music was awful...drinks were good though so that made up for it. We had a couple drinks..BJKeys had a few more...took a few pics...and ate some pasta. Then made our way home.


Monday, June 22, 2009


I think I am in love. June 17th marked the beginning of a magical relationship. My new beau is fun, exciting, fascinating, always on the go, and absolutely FANTASTIC. We make the perfect couple...New York City how I love thee. Today is day 5 of my adventure and heres a brief recap of my first week in NYC! Thursday was pouring of rain but I was not going to let that stop me from venturing out into the big apple. Jo (intern from London) and I squeezed under my tiny black umbrella and with perplexed faces tried to figure out the subway system (still working on that)....We decided on Soho aka shopping shopping shopping. By the time we reached Canal St. station the rain was pouring and with the wind blowing my little umbrella was getting a full fledged NYC beatdown. As brave soldiers we marched on...Jo was very dissapointed that TopShops prices were far higher than in London while I fell in love with a necklace at Aldo. We ate at what I can only describe as food heaven with stations serving pasta, pizza, sushi, chinese, salads, and sandwiches. After getting lost a few times, stopping at a few more stores we went back home for some good and sooo unhealthy friend chicken, mac and cheese, rice and peas, and curry chicken. Full belly and feet aching I was off to bed.

Day 2 was better weather wise and this time Jo and I decided to map out our destinations and how to get there prior to leaving the house. We started by finding out where Vibe is located and found that its right in the heart of Wall st. Glad we did it then otherwise I would've had a hard time finding where to go to do for my first day in the office. After we went to the village and watched The Proposal- funny funny and overlypriced at 12.50 :-(. Then it was off to the meatpacking district. We both fell in love with this area and the cute restaurants/lounges. On the hunt for cheesecake we stopped at 10 restaurants before finally finding a menu with cheesecake. However for $7 a slice it was a dissapointment to say the least...Afterwards we decided to check out a Spoken Word show midtown that was inspirational and funny and entirely too long. We snuck out around midnight and went home to bed.

Day 3 was good although it rained again...I visited with Shelley and her mom who were intown for a photoshoot with Vibe (coincidence) saw the MET Museum and Central Park (want to have a picnic there before I leave)...then met up with BJ Keys (intern from Florida) and Jo on my new home away from home....34th st. SHOPS GALORE!!!!

Day 4 was a relaxing day spent at the house...doing hair (an all day process), buying grocerries, and eating some amazing bbq from the lady who cooks it on the sidewalk (gotta love Harlem).
And now today...My first day at Vibe and I like it a lot. A little slow-hence the fact that I'm writing a blog entry and not working- but the people are cool and the atmosphere is relaxed.

Thats all for now....TTYL

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


As a communication/pr major  I am forced to take every type of communication class known to mankind. Oral communication, Communication and Community, Advanced Public Speaking, Argumentation, Conceptualizing Communication, Intercultural Communication, Communication in the getting a headache just listing them...This means that I should by next May I should know how to communicate in every context....  :-/ if only I paid that much attention in class instead of browsing the internet (kidding...kind of) that would probably be true. Although, I could argue that if my COMMUNICATION PROFESSORS were BETTER COMMUNICATORS I would be more interested in the class than pushing refresh on the main page to see what's new on their "Features" can learn a lot from there by the way...
Anyway, we are all always communicating, wether we realize it or not. The way we present ourselves, body language, what we do, what we say, its all communicating. So what makes a competent and effective communicator? And why is it that whenever someone asks what makes a good relationship the answer is always: Communication. What do you communicate to others?? Whether you realize it or not you are always communicating something about yourself, and most of the time you don't even have to say a word. Scary right? So ask yourself, what are you communicating to those around you??? What does communication even mean?? Sure, I can type "communication" into google scroll down to about the 2nd or 3rd result and click on the merriam-webster online dictionary definition...but that does not tell me about the concept of communication. I don't believe that it can be written into words, so I'm not going to even try. This leaves me to wonder....what does my blog communicate to YOU...yes YOU...about me?????? So many little

Au Revoir!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Women and Relationships Part 2...

I received this in my inbox today....take note...
If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourselves for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends." A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better. The only person you can control in a relationship is you. Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, Why would he treat you any differently? Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...even if he has more education or in a better job. Do not make him into a quasi-god. ! He is a man, nothing more nothing less. Never let a man define who you are. Never borrow someone else's man. Oh Lord! If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is a two-way street. You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals...look for someone complimentary...not supplementary. Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr.. Right. Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and your always readily available to him- he takes it for granted. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them. BY THE WAY, THIS WAS WRITTEN BY A MAN, SO TAKE A HINT..............

Monday, March 23, 2009

Special price for you my friend....Ensenada

Mexico...I took an unexpected trip south of the border with sasha and her co worker this weekend and boy o boy. Between Frankie and Ruben and the little girl chasing me with her little packets of gum hounding me for a dollar, it was quite an experience. Theres a few things I took from my trip that I would like to share with you: 1. DO NOT DRINK THE WATER, DO NOT EVEN WASH YOUR HANDS WITH THE WATER, BRUSH YOUR TEETH, HAVE A DRINK WITH ICE, JUST STAY AWAY FROM THE WATER. 2. Mexico is the ONLY place that I can get a fish taco with extra extra avocado for 1 dollar. 3. Protect the photos on your digital camera from getting deleted. 4. Stay away from tattoo parlors. 5. You will be offered jewelry, hammocks, chairs, desks, tamales, tacos, bracelets with obscenities on it, shoes, fake purses, blankets, ponchos, fruit salad, candy, glass turtles, and pretty much anything else that can be sold from the time you step foot out your hotel and everyone will offer you a "special deal for my friend." 6. The beef in mexico is...different.... 7. Taking 1.5 hours to cross the border *see above photo* is considered to be good as opposed to the normal 4 hours. 8. Rosa is hungry 9. They have starbucks, mcdonalds, and subway! 10. When sasha has a goal in mind (im gonna dance on that bar), nothing or no one is gonna stop her.

Adios Amigos!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Technology = Unsatisfaction

So I was forwarded this video in an email and true...We are so lucky and yet so miserable? Is the advancement of technology going to lead us to a lifetime of unhappiness? No matter how much we have or how easy someone has it, they are never satisfied. We are always looking for more... I got frustrated this morning because it took my computer 10 seconds instead of 2 to load my emails... pretty sad...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This is YOUR life, enjoy it!

I've always tried to think of myself as someone who doesn't let what other people think affect me. However, if I'm being honest with myself I do find myself stopping to think of what others may think. I think we all do it, whether consciously or not. But why? I mean really, why do I care if someone doesn't like what I'm doing?! If I am not hurting anyone and I am truly happy why should I care? I have acknowledged the fact that I am a people pleaser, I want everyone that matters to me to be happy. Not only happy with themselves, but happy with me. My new years resolution this year, among many others, was to stop holding myself back from doing what makes me happy because I am afraid I'll upset, disappoint, or let down someone else. Often times, the things we spend our time stressing about when it comes to what others will think are completely unnoticed by the person we think will care. Leaving us unhappy for absolutely no reason. So know when I find myself saying "Oh I want to" or "I like this" but not doing it for fear of the unknown I just...DO IT! We only get one life, one journey, one chance to do whatever is you feel you were born to do on this earth. So who cares what other people expect you to do, do you! They have their own lives to make themselves happy! So whatever it is that you worry about, whether its how you dress, wear you hair, what you go to school for, what job you want, who you date, if you date, or whatever it is do what makes you truly happy. This isn't me saying to do things that are self-destructive (although you would know because then you wouldn't TRULY be happy), this is me saying it's okay to be a little selfish when it comes to your happiness! In the end the people that truly love you will be happy because you're happy!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Success...where do I go to find that?

What is the key to success? We all are taught from a young age that being successful is important. First of all what is success? Well in my opinion, I don't believe that any definition would sufficiently define "success". Success, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. It has different meanings for all of us. It may be passing that Biology Final, it may be climbing mt. everest, it may be making a million dollars, and it may just be making through the day. However, one thing I do believe is that success if achieved with goals. It is important to set goals, always reaching higher, without it its easy to lose focus, get off track. What are your goals? It could be for this year, this month, or even today, think about them, write them down and make a gameplan to accomplish your goals. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't do, you truly hold the key to your own success. I hope that you all continue to reach success in your lives because you deserve it! I hope that you continue to make goals for yourself and with perserverance I truly believe you can accomplish anyting your heart desires. So, its a new year, a fresh start, what do you have on your list for 09?

President Obama and Our First Lady

Absolutely Beautiful.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Title= Reaction of people when they find out I made a blog....

Anyway...tomorrow is going to a beautiful day in American history! Yes we can....


I LOVE SHOES! I mean really really love them! Take the shoes to the right....GORGEOUS I saw them in the store and they took my breath away (literally) I had to have them, and I do. Many people ask me why in the world I'd want to walk around in 5in high pointy toe shoes but I don't care how much pain I'm in, how can you say no to those! I call them sexy cappuccino, the picture honestly doesn't do them any justice! I get excited just thinking about high heels, the higher the better, and being that I am tall already I guess its a bit strange that I'd want to be even taller-but I don't care!!! I've even had dreams about having a shoe room, yes a room, a whole room filled with shoes...kind of like the closet Big made Carrie..but BIGGER! So maybe I do have a problem....ok, yes I have a problem...but hey, it's better to be addicted to shoes then drugs right??? Beautiful shoes, you take my breath away, brighten my day when I'm sad, make me feel beautiful, cause me some pain sometimes, but ur worth it! I'm beginning to think my shoes sound like a man...maybe I'll marry shoes...ok I'm not that crazy... but I mean....


An oldie but goodie....

I laugh no matter how many times I've seen this...Enjoy!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Women and Relationships *sigh*


I have a friend who we shall call....Sasha (her idea not mine, my first choice was "I think I'm Important Pretty and Fabulous, but I'm really not")...anyway... Sasha has been on an off with her boyfriend/ex depending on the time of the day for three years. As of right now it is her boyfriend..however, that could change by the time I post this entry. I met sasha this past summer and though she is now a good friend of mine her relationship with her boyfriend/ex is beyond ridiculous. She actually has a decent guy, but she's not ready to settle down and just wants to date and be free to date other people, therefore, leaving her boyfriend/ex heartbroken time and time again. The last time they broke up, maybe a month ago? I can't keep up...anyway she claimed that this was it and it was final, no more getting back together she was done playing the yo-yo game. Today as we chatted on aim chat with our other friend Oprah (she asked to be called that) sasha proceeded to inform me of all the throngs of men vying for her affection . . . I asked her about her boyfriend/ex and if they were still pretending to not be together but seeing each other everyday and she let me know they were in fact back together...SHOCKING...not. Here's how the rest of our convo went-
Sasha- Sadly, Yes
Oprah- If you're sad then why are you doing it
Me- O gosh, this is ridiculous
Sasha- Lol, Im trifflin I know 
*For those of you unsure of what trifflin means...please exit now, Thank You*

I don't get it, she knows she doesn't want to be in a relationship, she even knows she doesn't want to marry the poor guy, but yet...she continues this ridiculous cycle *sigh*

I have another friend and I won't even begin to go into that but  I have come to the conclusion that women young and old lose a big piece of common sense and logic when love/lust come into play. We stay in going no where fast relationships with men who we know are not what we truly want or who truly deserve us because of the fear of being alone. (I've been there too) It makes me quite sad to think that this is what we've come to..

Women- Love is beautiful, and can be an exciting journey when you find it with that special person, but don't let that person define who you are as a person and yes it does take work when two completely different people from completely different worlds try and come together. HOWEVER, it is important to know when its time to let something go! It's important to know ahead of time what you will and won't put up with and stick to that! Know your worth. Don't be desperate. Don't stay in a situation because you're too afraid of being alone. Don't let your ears hear what you want to hear or your eyes see what you want to see, get it together ladies! Don't settle, you will regret it later! It's better to be alone and happy then together and miserable thinking of the what could have beens....However, if you find a good man who loves you and you love him and respects you and respect him hold on tight and work through it!

As you can see I can talk about this topic forever so be on the look out for Women and Relationships parts 2, 3, 4, 5....1,999,999,999

Au Revoir!

Why Blog?

*Facebook Chat at 1:33pm*
Me- "I think I want to start a blog today"
O- "u should!!! What about?"
Me- "I dont know, i was thinking ill just start with my random thought for the day or things that interest me and then figure it out from there"
O- "Yea that'd be cool"
Me- "For example, todays topic would be women and relationships" (see next post)
O- "Hahaha"

End Convo.

So there you have it, a 20 second convo on facebook chat, and my dream last night about blogging (random) has lead me here to my blog to share my thoughts and feelings on this thing we all do called living... ENJOY! CIAO!